Saturday, October 29, 2005

Game 4 = win 4

IN an amazing evening of dodgeball Dodge This racked up another win against an very easy opponent. Usually I would not bad mouth a team but the spirit level of the other team was not that high and we were draw into their lack of sportsmanship. The turning point for me (Torque) was when the other team was heard to say try and get them mad they play worse when they are mad. At this point I did become mad and proceeded to hit them with the ball as hard as humanly possible to which they complained that we threw to hard at their women and to high at their men. Props go out to Michelle who single handedly beat out three male players on the other team to win us our 4th game!!!!!

See you all next week I will be the guy singing a song to improve spirt and rolling the ball at my opponents in an attempt to have good spirit!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Game 4 This Monday

Hey everyone,

Game this monday is against Big Brass Balls at 9pm. See you all there around 8:45Pm. BBB has only 1 win and has a point differential of -14. Although they look like an easy win on paper lets try and play just as hard and try out some new offensive strategies as it seems our defensive play strategy worls pretty well as we saw last week.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Tournament November 4th

Hey everyone I have registered Dodge This for the November 4th tournament. As of right now I was only able to register 8 players so I went with the Basic team minus Rick and Michelle who are going ot be out of town. I will see if we are allowed more players and if so will contact those people who were asked by team members. Start thinking strategy....

Week Three = Win Three!!!

Wekk three saw our toughest game yet. It was truely the first game where strategy was the deciding factor. We hung back and forced the other team to throw us a few catchable balls. Then we pressed the attack with Scott "Torque" R choosing to lead the charge making sure to take 2 or 3 players down with him. Also of note Rick "Box" W caught a ball for a two player swing and the win, way to go Rick.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Game Three Tomorrow

Only one more sleep untill dodgeball.... I can hardly wait!!! We are playing the dodge vipers at 7Pm at Grandin. Lets all try and get there around 645 to warm up... This team only has given up a total of 4 points in 2 hours of play. (We have given up 13) so lets try and play smart and win a few early on.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Team Practice Today at 6PM

I know it is short notice but we will be trying for team practice at 6PM at Jen's school. If you can make it let me know we already have 6 coming so we may be able to get a mini game going.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Week Two = Win Two

Heading into last nights game no one could predict the ups and down that would befall the team on the way to our second victory. After going up 2 - 0 we gave up about 5 points straight before rallying to finish 8-6 for the big W. The girls really poured it on fighting early to make the best of their time early on and made several good catches as well as dodging numerous balls. The boys also made a good showing with Captain Will showing no mercy as he hucked his way through any and all players (women included). Next week is a week off for the team as thanksgiving is on monday. See you all back at the gym in two weeks.

Monday, October 03, 2005

First Game Victory

For not having any experience as a dodgeball team, Dodge This managed to come away from week one with a win over Who The Eff is Kingsly Zissou. It was an action packed game with all of the players doing their part to lead Dodge This to a close 8-7 victory. Players began to define their roles on the team, Chris "Flarenut" H managed to turn his softball experience into a dodgeball cannon. Jennifer "Monkey" R mangaed to dodge her way to being the final player eliminated several times. And Kevin "Metric" H learned that when you go to shag balls from the stage you should reenter the field of play with great care as the other team will hit you as soon as you are in.

Everyone had a great time and look forward to their next game next monday vs. Did That Hurt?

New Dodgeball Team Formed

After searching for a new winter seasn sport to try we finally found a sport that not only gives a great work out but takes back in time to our youths when times were easier and not getting hit in the head with a big rubberball was one of your biggest concerns